Moving is Tough

It’s been a long time since I posted, and I have no excuses other than it’s hard getting settled after a move across the country with a one year old. Couple that with the fact that we’re not really “settling” here since we’re moving again, back to our old house in a few months, so we’re sort of living out of boxes until the fall. It’s tough, but we’re still here.

My baby is one. I miss her tininess, but she’s becoming so much fun. It took her a long while to get into eating solid foods, but now she’ll eat anything. Anything that is except for avocado, which I have read is the perfect first food. Not for Eleanore! The face she makes when something is not to her liking is now known as the avocado face.

She enjoyed her first birthday cake (a lightly cream cheese “frosted” banana bread disguised as cake), and we kept things very simple and low key with just family.

And, after cruising for a good 6 months, and taking a few little steps here and there, but immediately sitting down once she realized she was doing so, she’s officially walking as of last week. Not only is she walking, she’s practically running!
Lots of knitting has been happening, both for the shop and for Eleanore. I just cast on last night for Swing Thing, after finishing a pair of shorties, and last week I finished a Tunic for her. More details and pictures coming soon 🙂

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